Archive for the Toys Category

It’s great to be back!!

Posted in Toys, Transformers, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , on December 7, 2010 by Jason

Wow!  It feels like I’ve been gone forever.  I don’t have a specific idea to go in depth about, but a few of you made some suggestion as to what you would like to hear about upon my return.  The 3 suggestions were toys, video games and something Christmassy(maybe catoons another time Bobby).

First up…toys.  During my absence, I did aquire a few things to add to the collection.  The first is the large plush ALF(officially licensed), my buddy Clark traded to me.  I also managed to find a Transformers Animated Voyager Class Skywarp(review coming soon) for the low price of $12.99 at Marshall’s.  And lastly, my step brother bought me Cybertonian Bumblebee as a Christmas gift(review coming soon as well…as soon as I figure out how to transform the friggin’ thing).

Next up, we have video games.  Jboypacman suggested that I discuss some of my video game interests.  Well, three letters define my favorite video games…N.E.S.  That’s not saying that I don’t play other systems though.  I still play SNES, gameboy, Gamecube and PS2(as well as a few PS1 games).  I just prefer the old school games.  I would love to get a Sega Master System or a Turbo Grafx 16 or even a Wii.  I collect Nintendo games for all of their systems, up to the Gamecube, but primarily for the NES.  Here are a few pics of my growing NES collection.

And lastly, Bobby suggeted cartoons and something Christmassy.  And while I don’t have anything cartoon related to post, it is Christmas time, so I decided to post a picture of our little Christmas tree.  I want to get a few Christmas related posts up, so I’ll see what I can do.  If you’re a fan of Christmas, I reccomend you check out the Advent Calendar over at X-entertainment, I promise, you won’t regret it.  I’ll see you guys in a few days(when I have something else to write about).

New toy display

Posted in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Toys, Transformers, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 15, 2010 by Jason

Well, my computer is out of commission for the moment, so I’m posting this on the Clarkinator’s computer.  Recently, I got a bookshelf to display my loose toys in my bedroom.  The funny thing is, is that it was my wife’s idea.  Now, there are mostly MIB figures and such in “The Vault”.  Without further adieu, toys.

There’s the beast in all it’s glory!

Here’s a shelf by shelf breakdown

On top, we have my boxed N64, boxed Starfox 64 as well as a few random pieces.  You should know what the other stuff is(if you don’t, just ask).  If you look closely you’ll notice Superchicken!

The first shelf is the Transformers/robots shelf.  A mix of Transformers, Rock Lords, Battle Beasts, Voltron and Rokkon from MOTU.

Going down one shelf, we have the TMNT shelf.  This shelf is exclusively dedicated to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, except for the picture of Penny, remembered from Pee-Wee’s Playhouse.  The picture of Penny is actually cut out from the box of the talking Pee Wee I traded to my brother a couple years ago.

The third shelf is for my wife and I’s wedding memorabilia.

The third shelf of toys is a mix up of lots of great lines.

Here you will see Marvel super heroes from different lines, M.U.S.C.L.E. men, Thunder Cats, Ghostbusters, G.I. Joe and many other toy lines.  See how many different ones you can name.

The bottom shelf is stuff that I couldn’t fit on other shelves, or just didn’t belong on them.  I know this is blurry, so, below are a few shots from different angles(of all the shelves).

Well, there you have it.  My new toy display.  That’s not all the toys I own, but it is a nice chunk of them.  Others are stored away, the ones still in their package are still in “The Vault” and I’m certain that I’m not done with the collection yet(far from it).  So, what do you guys think?  Was it worth the wait?  Please share your thought in the comments.  You can even comment on what your favorite piece is.  And later in the day these pictures were taken, I acquired a big ALF plush from The Clakinator, in exchange for an E.T. that I had.  He is now seated on the shelf on the right side of the N64.  Pictures of him will surface at another time.


Posted in Toys, Transformers, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , on September 27, 2010 by Jason

In total I got 42 dollars in cash and 30 in trade.  That’s 72 bucks and I only paid 100 for it over a year ago.  It was hardly used, it had an Intercooler fan on it.So it was a little loud and taking up space.  There are some games that I would like to play for it, but the video store closed down and I can’t afford 60 dollars for games right now.

I still have the NES, the SNES, the PS2 and the Gamecube(the 64 is boxed up in the closet).  I play these systems way more than I played the 360.

The game store has a vintage room with games ranging from Intellivision to N64.  If I purchase games from this store, it more than likely came from this room.  And over half of the store credit I got went for games in this room.  And here is everything I used the store credit for.

 Jeopardy! Junoir Edition had the Super Mario Bors./Duck Hunt manual in the box instead of the correct manual.  Dr. Mario is complete, and the boxes for both games are in great shape.  I also picked up Pokemon Gold for the Game Boy.

Here is something I thought you guys would find interesting.  As I was playing Jeopardy! Junior Edition, shortly after I got it, I played a few games and came across these categories…ALF.  And Captain Power.  I saw that and thought it was the greatest thing.  I got 4 out of 5 of the ALF questions right and 0 out of 5 right for Captain Power.  There are other answers in a lot of the other categories that have 80s written all over them.  Actors, tv’s great.  If you’re an 80s kid and know your stuff from school, you’ll ace this game.  I did well, but not awesome.  I don’t remember much about the American Revolution, sorry.

I also used a small portion of the proceeds to buy something not video game related.

About two weeks ago, I told you how I went to the local Dollar General and found Soundwave.  Well on that trip I had also spotted a Robot Heroes 2 pack.  I was torn between that and Soundwave.  They were both five bucks and I weighed my choices, I could only get one.  In the end it was Soundwave.  After I left the game strore, I decided to go check out Dollar General and see if those Robot Heroes were still there.  I checked the aisle I last saw them in on the previous trip.  No luck.  I decided to further check the stores aisles, and found more toys in a completely different, not even close aisle.  Two minutes later I was on my way to the checkout with these two.

Aotobot Blaster and Thrust.  I have always thought the Robot Heroes line looked pretty cool, but I never see them in stores.  Thrust was the deciding factor for this purchase.  The Decepticon seekers have one of the nicest looking robot modes of all the Transformers.  And I don’t believe I owned a single one growing up.  Looking at the back of the packaging, I got the one I would’ve chosen, given a choice of the four.

Although Rumble does look pretty sweet.  But I’m torn on whether to open them or not.  All in all, I have a new found appreciation for Dollar General.  If I go there in 2 weeks and they still have the Transformers Universe Brushguard that I’ve seen on the past two visits, they will be my go to place.  Kind of like my version of The Magic Grocery Store.


Posted in Memories, Toys with tags , , , , on September 22, 2010 by Jason

Well, the readers have responded.  Well two readers responded.  Although Paul didn’t actually vote for the awesomeness, he did ask what it was, so I’ll take that as a second vote for the aforementioned awesomeness.

As you may know, I paid a visit to my younger brother a couple of weeks ago(remember? He sold me the two SNES games).  Anyway, I have some of my stuff stored at his place, and he asked me if I would mind taking some of back with me.  Of course I don’t remember everything I have there, and thought, well, yeah.  So we hauled out a suitcase I had there, and it was filled with CDs, toys and other random things.  As soon as I opened the suitcase, I was greeted by this guy.

That’s right.  Voltron:Defender of the Universe(when you read this, make sure your brain says it in that cool robotic voice from the show).  I’ll give you the story on how he originally came into my posession.

Growing up, I had always wanted Voltron, as it was was one of my favorite shows.  As you may have guessed, I never did get one.  Although, one Christmas, my little brother and I both got our very own remote controlled Voltrons.  By remote controlled, I mean the had a control box wired to the toy it self.  Using this box, you could control your Voltron’s movements.  Not to mention, this thing was enormous.  It’s been about 25 years, but if I remember correctly, this thing must have been about 2 and 1/2 feet tall.

Fast forward to 1998.  I was in White Plains NY with some friends, and we decided to hit up the local Toys R Us.  As we were strolling through the aisles, I look up and I see about three of these Voltrons up on a shelf about seven feet off the ground.  I immediately saw it and proceeded to knock down a bunch of other insignificant toys while grabbing the toy that eluded me oh so many years ago.  I looked at the price tag, and saw the price of $29.99.  Now, this was on pay day, so I said I’m not going to miss out a second time.  I believe this one is from a short lived cgi version of the show or some shit.  But I didn’t care, as it is a faithful representation of the classic toy I pined for.  When we got to the train station, I sat on the platform, and started putting this guy together.  I can’t tell you how much joy my 19 year old self felt doing this.  It came with a whole bunch of accesories, but all that is remaining is what you see in the photo.  Now, being that I never had the original, I don’t know if that version came with the pilots you see here.

From left to right we have, Lance, Princess Allura, Keith and Hunk.  Pidge was lost about 8 or 9 years ago.  All of the Lions have cockpits in which their pilots sit in.  As you’ll also notice, the head of Voltron on the black lion is missing his left horn.  He is also missing one of his wings as well as the firing missle on his back.  When I stored him, he was not missing any of these.  But I’m just happy to have him in my posession again.  You see, someone went into my brother’s previous home and stole my hockey gloves as well as my electric guitar.  I thought Voltron was also stolen.  My brother must have thrown him into the suitcase for safe keeping, knowing how much that toy meant to me.  And I’m glad he did.  Now you know the story of why I thought this awesomeness was long gone.

I also found something else in the suitcase that I had forgotten about.

To the naked eye this might appear to be a run of the mill New York Rangers hockey jersey.  I will let everyone know that I am a die hard Rangers fan.  But this is no ordinary jersey.  No siree!  If you look closely, you will see five or six autographs on there.  I obtained said autographs at a Rangers open practice at the Ice Casino at Rye Playland in Rye, New York, back in 1998.  While a lot of my favorite players managed to elude us fans after the practice, I managed to get a few from some of the lesser known players.  The ones I remember are as follows…Jeff Beukeboom(Boo-kuh-boom), Niklas Sundstrom and Mike Eastwood.The others may be Mike Keane and Bill Berg, but I can’t remember.

Well I hope you enjoyed my long lost awesomeness.  I know I did.  Oh, NHL pre season starts tomorrow.  The NJ Devils will be at Madison Square Garden facing off against the Rangers tomorrow night for some pre season action.  If you live in NY, the game will be on MSG at 7:00PM.  If you live outside of NY, check your local listings(I never thought I’d have the opportunity to say that).

My first Soundwave

Posted in Halloween, Toys, Transformers with tags , , , , on September 19, 2010 by Jason

When I see the title of this post, I would think it’s a reference to a Playskool version of Soundwave.  Before you get your hopes up, it’s not.  Ever since I first started watching Transformers as a child, Soundwave has been in my top three.  While a few of my friends had a Soundwave toy, I never did aquire one.  The closest I ever came was having a few of his cassettes(and a few of Blaster’s as well).  The reasons he is one of my favorites is as follows…1.-He has(had) one of the greatest sounding voices ever.  2.-His robot mode was just bad-ass(shoulder cannon, face shield).  and 3.-He had mini Decepticons emerge from his chest.

Now, anytime I have been out checking toy aisles, I never see any of the cool reissues or popular characters.  The top reason for this, I think, is toy scalpers.  I’ve checked Ebay, and the mark ups for such figures is ridiculous!  While I may keep a few of my toys in their original packaging, I don’t buy a toy thinking I can make three times what I paid for by scalping it on Ebay.  I collect what I like, and that is the primary reason I buy toys.  I can understand why older versions of figures can be somewhat expensive, but I can’t grasp why I, or anyone for that matter, should have to pay such extreme prices for a toy that will be displayed in a collection or played with.  It seems rarity doesn’t mean anything anymore.  But enough with the bitching.  Here’s my first Soundwave.

Now it’s not the G1 casstte player, but at least it’s Soundwave.  I have been to Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target and various other stores, and have not seen this figure.  Where I did find him was totally unexpected.  I had to run a few errands last week, and I decided to see if any of the local stores had their Halloween displays up.  This lead me to Dollar General.  While this chain of stores usually has a lot of knock off crap, they do have a limited supply of official releases.  Hidden behind a couple of figures I had no interest in was the awesomeness you see above.  The only problem I have with the figures these days is the complexity of the transformations.  If you’re at all familiar with the Generation 1 Transformers from the 80s, you know what I’m talking about.  Back in the day, I don’t remember having any difficulties with transforming the figures(the sticker application is a different story).  And the directions don’t help any.  All they show are arrows, without any words to describe what the hell you’re supposed to be doing.  Here’s the directions for Soundwave.

I think I made it to step 3, and then I was totally lost.  And this transformation is rated as one of the easiest, being a 1 on the difficulty scale.  Before I broke my precious first Soundwave, I hit up Youtube for some help.  Even the guy in the video said that he was going to give away his because it’s such a pain in the ass.  But he showed how to do it(with a little trouble), and I was able to Transform him into the jet(it kind of looks like a stealth bomber).

(A little bit of Halloween goodness thrown in for good measure.)

Changing him back into robot mode was a lot less difficult.  While it took about 1/10 of the time it took me to get him into vehicle mode, I am quite pleased to say I am happy to add him to my collection(and I don’t think he’ll be in that jet mode for a while).

On one last note…the leaves have started to change and the cooler weather has started to move in.  The Halloween season is upon us(for you fellow X-Ers anyway).  So, this weekend we broke out the Halloween decorations and decorated the apartment.  I plan on getting more this year but here’s what we have on the front porch right now.

I have a few more Transformers posts lined up, but I will try to space them out, as I don’t want bore everyone with a related piece everytime I post.  I do want to get a few Halloween posts in, so I will try my best to have a little variety.  I’ll see ya when I see ya.

Yard sale finds #4 + more

Posted in Adventure, Toys, Transformers, Video Games, Yard Sale Finds with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2010 by Jason

All of this was aquired over the last few days.

This past Saturday(yesterday), there was a village wide garage sale in the nearby village of Schoharie.  This is an annual event, but this was the second one held this year(I don’t believe that this has happened before).  It was a beautiful warm sunny day.  Perfect weather for an event like this.

Before we get started, I would like to state that all of the items in the pictures were aquired at the aforementioned village wide garage sale, except for the SNES games and the packaged Transformer(which were found at my younger brother’s house and Wal-Mart, respectively).

The journey begins this past Wednesday.  My fiancee and I went to go meet with a woman to design and make our wedding cake.  After we left, my fiancee suggested that we visit my younger brother, Jeff, who lived around the area we were in.  It was almost one year since I had last seen him, so I knew he would have a lot to show me.  I was checking out his SNES collection amd I came across two games I was interested in owning.  I asked him if he wanted to sell them, and he did.  I asked him how much he wanted for them, to which he replied, “Three bucks each”,(I’m assuming those are brother prices).

I selected Donkey Kong Country 3-Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble, and Castlevania IV*.  This particular Donkey Kong Country is the first in my current SNES collection.  I am very familiar with the first two games in this series, and I have maybe played this one once.  So, this is almost a new game experience for me…sweet!  The same could be said of the other title I selected, Castlevania IV*.  Now, I have played, and own the first two of the trilogy that was released for the NES in it’s prominence, but I don’t recall ever playing Castlevania on the SNES.  So…another new game experience.  This isn’t the first time my little bro has came through for me though, years ago he sold me Contra and Bugs Bunny’s Crazy Castle(both for the NES), for five bucks each(gotta be brother’s prices!!).

*-The front of the cartridge reads, “Super Castlevania IV”, while the top reads, “Castlevania IV”.  Now, this being the first Castlevania game for the SNES(of two I believe), I would think that, “Super Castlevania”, or, “Castlevnia IV” would be appropriate titles.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon.

Across the street from the local  Mobil gas station, there was a yard sale, where the proceeds from the sale, went to the local Lutheran church(I’m Roman-Catholic, but I don’t discriminate when it comes to a charitable cause).  Everything to be sold was donated by local people, and you determined the price you would donate for the items you wanted to purchase.  I donated two dollars for this awesome piece of video game history.

The box was in rough shape, and I took a shot in the dark, by not checking the contents within.  When I got home, I was astonished at my findings.

Released by Coleco in 1983, we have the “Kid Vid Voice Module”.  As you can see, it’s complete.  Aside from white gunk on the cord, this appears to never have been used.  The black cassette in the photo was in the player when I bought it.  As of this moment, I have not listened to it.  I should though, who knows what could be on it?

I decided to do a little research on my find, and here is what I learned…in general, “Smurfs Saves the Day” is a pretty rare title.  This seems to have everything that was included…instructions, pristine cartridge, ear piece, power cord, all three of the audio tapes(still factory sealed), the tape deck, mail surveys and advertisement, as well as original Coleco styrofoam.  I found that complete copies are in the range of $200, but this one seems unused, the cassettes are still sealed, and I don’t think anything is missing.  The box is pretty beat up, and a few pieces are ripped off, but they are inside the box**.  If I get any additional information, I’ll be sure to give an update.

**You can’t see the original price on the sticker in the picture, but this retailed for $64.95.  That price was crossed out with red pen and reduced to $39.95.  Best find ever?


Garage sales, yard sales, lawn sales and Wal-Mart.  Here’s the little things I found throughout the hunt.

The first finds of the day were a M.U.S.C.L.E and an unidentified doll/figure(1984 Mattel), for a donation of 50 cents.  They were aquired at the same sale that I found the Kid Vid the day before.  Grover and the little jack-o-lantern guy were found at one of the many sales for 5 cents a piece.  We’re at $2.60 so far.

The Transformers made three seperate appearances throughout the day.  Here are the ones that found their way to my home.

First up for 25 cents, is Optimus Prime, who looks to be of the “Transformers Animated” variety.  He’s stamped 2008 and was a McDonald’s Happy Meal toy.  The little purple and black guy is Storm Cloud(the woman at this sale told me to take it for free).  This Decepticon was part of the “Air Strike Patrol”, released in 1989 under the Micromasters line.  Last but not least, we have “Tracker Hound”.  He was the most extravagant purchase at $4.95.  He’s pretty reminiscent of his G1 design.  He will be opened and given his day in the sun.

Our next item is absent from the main photo, for two reasons.  One, the first picture(the one that I used), didn’t include it because I forgot about it.  And two, The picture I later took with it in the picture came out blurry, and I said, screw it!

This is one of the coolest mugs I have ever seen!  With Newport cigarettes everlasting slogan.  The bottom of this mug states that this mug is neither dishwasher nor microwave safe.  I believe that this was a give away promotional item originating from sometime in the early nineties.  If I remember correctly, this was at a time when there was cigarette branding on a wide variety of everday items, from fanny packs to keychains.  Bought for 25 cents at a thrift store down the road from where I bought that Herman book.

Speaking of Herman…

I stopped at the same place I bought the first Herman treasury.  I opted for the third and eighth treasuries at the same friendly price as last time.  A buck a piece. These people also have the treasuries that appeared in between the course of the ones pictured.  I’m a sucker for great literature.  🙂

Last up, we got three dvds, for a grand total of eight bucks.

Ghostbusters was found early in the day.  Marked for three dollars, haggled down to two dollars.  The Good Son was found at the last sale I stopped at for a dollar.  And while grocery shopping later that evening, I found “The Great Outdoors” in the $5.00 bin at Wal-Mart, during the same trip “Tracker Hound” was purchased on.

I’m guessing that this was the last hurrah for summer garage sales.  I found a lot of neat things and the thrill is definitely in the hunt.  Soon, we’ll be shifting gears to “Thrift store finds”.

Yard sale finds #3

Posted in Adventure, Toys, Trading cards, Yard Sale Finds with tags , , , , , , on August 29, 2010 by Jason

My most recent yard saling adventure was yesterday.  Everytime I decide to go, I think about the possibilities.  The possibilities of finding the ultimate bargain.  You know, a box of Transformers, for ten bucks.  Something to that effect.  Well, that did not happen on my most recent excursion.  But I did manage to buy some pretty cool stuff, without spending a lot of cash.  I’ll just cut to the chase, and show you the loot.

The first sale I hit up yielded this guy.  An excellent value at only ten cents.

I don’t know about you.  But I loved the Beetlejuice cartoon.  I remember when these came with a Burger King kid’s meal, and I thought they were pretty sweet back then!  There’s no action or posability, but they’re nice to look at.  The toys had one character from the show on one side and a different character on the reverse.  This particular one has Beetlejuice as a snake charmer on one side.

And a sand worm on the reverse.

The next handful of items were found at a single sale.  Up first.  Coming in at fifty cents, we have……

An old school Pepsi can.  I believe this is from the late eighties or early ninties.  The ingredients include high fructose corn syrup.  So whenever they made the switch from sugar.  One thing that is absent from this can, as opposed to cans of today, is the nutritional information that is on almost every food package.  Simpler times.

Every item in the next photo was in a bag for a whopping total of fifty cents!

The brightly colored Batman Beyond figure was what brought my attention to this merry group figures.  He is sadly missing one of the two detachable wings that clip onto his shoulders.  The newer version of Skeletor made up for that though.  Then, there’s Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, who will get sold, as well as the two guys on the left(I have no idea who they are.  If you can help me, let me know).

The next two items were bought for laughs as well as the nostalgia.

I have never seen this particular Robin Hood movie, and I was not a fan of 90210, although I know a lot of the characters.  One of my favorite things about this purchase is, the Kay Bee price sticker.  It’s a nice reminder of my favorite toy store.  The price tag has the 90210 cards marked for 79 cents.  I scored both packs for just a buck!  These could make for a review in the future.

And the final item(it was the first thing I saw) from this stop is…

This was my favorite find from this sale.  I remember all different bears made just like ALF here.  You squeeze his shoulders and his arms open up to clip him onto something(rear view mirrors were popular).  I have never seen an ALF version though.  He was in a Ziploc bag and  he’s as soft as the day he was bought.  I would rather have this guy than the fifty cents I traded for him.

Next, we stopped at a used furniture and gift establishment.  This place isn’t too far from home and we’ve passed it hundreds of times.  Yet, this would be our first time to set foot in the joint.  There was way more furniture than gifts.  There is a silver lining to this.  Here it is.

This is a McDonald’s mug from 1995.  Didn’t McDonald’s promote some 3 patty burger for this movie?  I think, if you bought any size Extra Value Meal, you had the option to buy one of the however many for a nominal fee.  I could of had the other four mugs that were displayed with this one for three more dollars, but decided against it.  Three of the remaining four were Robin ones, and the last on was a Riddler one that was smaller than this one(maybe part of another set?).

The last sale we hit up yielded a lone item.  But a sweet item.  At just a dime, well worth it.

Judging from a small Pepsi logo and a small Universal Studios Monsters logo, I would surmise that this is a collector’s cup from Taco Bell from sometime in the ninties.  It displays the Monsters in a different light by showing The Mummy playfully giving The Wolfman a noogie.  Since I first laid eyes on it, it has definitely upped my Halloween spirit.  Well that’s the latest haul, and it may be the final of the season.  But who knows?

Bombshock and Combaticons

Posted in Toys, Transformers with tags , , , , on August 27, 2010 by Jason

Yesterday, I ended up going to Wal-Mart for a jug of motor oil and my prescriptions(antibiotics), and I went to check out the toy aisle.  Most of the time I figure the toys are too expensive and I’ll pass on making a purchase.  Now, I was put on antibiotics, and I am not permitted to drink alcohol while I am on these medicines.  So that’s two weeks with no beer, that equals a little extra cash.  This permitted me to consider things above a $5.00-$6.00 item.  Right away I was drawn to the Transformers.  There wasn’t too big a selection of characters that I was familiar with.  Here’s who I decided on.

There were a few reasons why I decided on this guy.  Number one is, there is more than 1 toy in this set.  The second reason is, while I root for the Autobots, the Decepticons have a far more bad ass symbol.  And the final reason I chose him was that, as a kid, I never had a combiner.  Sure I had 1 or 2 from different combiners, but I never had all the ones needed for this.  Plus, I thought he looked better than the Autobot combiner.  Let’s meet Bombshock and the Combaticons.

(Sorry for the blurry photo.)

From left to right we have, Missile Carrier Drone, APC Drone, Bombshock, Tank Drone and Armored Car Drone.  Now, judging by their names, these aren’t typical Transformers.  In fact, with the exception of Bombshock, these guys don’t even have a robot mode.  What?!  The other guys pop onto Bombshock and form the arms and legs of Bombshock’s Commander Power-Up Mode.  At first I thought that was kind of lame, but look at your final product.

 He’s looks like a pretty mean customer.  All in all, while maybe not worth the twenty bucks they charged for it, at least he’s solid  and not a liquid.




The arrival of Superchicken

Posted in Toys with tags , , , on August 3, 2010 by Jason

So, I got a package in the mail about a week ago.  I was eagerly anticipating this package.  You see, the contents of this package could change your life.

The story goes like this.

While surfing the web about a month ago, I stumbled across a great blog.  Now, I’ll sample a few posts before I’ll decide whether or not it’s for me.  The blog I came across was  Mr. Bobby Cooper is the proprietor of this site.  Anyway, after I started reading through his entries, I found out he was a prankster.  If you want to check out his escapades, go there now.  Two of his particular pranks included putting a Superchicken antenna topper on an unsuspecting coworkers car.  Long story short, I thought that Superchicken was the greatest thing ever.  Bobby said that he got a bunch of them from Whataburger, I think, for free.  I left a comment stating my new found love for this Superchicken.  I received an e-mail from Mr. Cooper asking for an address to ship a left over one he had in his closet.  Just look at him in all his glory!

There’s not too much info on this character.  He’s a mascot for the Whataburger chain.  That’s all I got.  Seriously.  Anyway, I think this Superchicken is one of the greatest thing for, at least, the rest of this summer.  Check out some of this guy in action over at

Beverage review #2

Posted in Food/Beverage, Toys with tags , , on July 27, 2010 by Jason

Today I will review one of my all time favorite sodas.  I don’t know if this is considered cheating, because I have had this so many times.  The only difference is that, you already know is this beverage is gonna get my recommendation.  So let’s meet our friend, shall we?

Here we have Barq’s Red Creme Soda.  In the last review, I briefly mentioned my love of this soda.  Maybe the reason I like it so much is that it isn’t readily available anywhere in my surrounding area.  Anytime I travel to Ohio(I have a lot of family out there), I always make it a point to drink beverages that are not native to my state.  You may be thinking what makes this creme soda better than any other?  First it’s the red liqid, and second is the taste.  This is not to be confused with Big Red soda.  In my opinion, they taste nothing alike.  Big Red tastes more like bubblegum.  That’s not a bad thing.  This soda taste like a sweet creme soda with a little bit of the bubblegum flavor.  And it’s bright red!  This was the last remaining can, and I it has survived since I returned on July 5.  It’s 23 brothers were quickly dispatched.

I guess I don’t need to say it, but I will.  If you like creme soda or the color red, I would say to give it a try.  It doesn’t have the trademark “Barq’s Bite”, but it’s creme soda, and it’s supposed to be smooth.  I’m drinking the last of it now, and I’m a little sad.  So we’ll look at something that will make us happy!

Over the weekend my friend Chris(we call him Clarkinator), gave these to me as a late birthday gift.  He has had these M.U.S.C.L.E men since he was a kid.  When he showed them to me a couple of years ago, I was like are you giving them to me to add to the collection?  Unfortunately, he just found them in his closet and thought I would appreciate them.  Just before he moved back from Florida this past May, he had asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and immediately  I said “How about them M.U.S.C.L.E. men?”  And he said, “When I find them.”  Well, this past Saturday he came by and went into his pocket and tossed them to me one by one.  I said thank you and he informed me that he kept a few, but that’s cool because now I have some of these guys in my toy collection.