Visionaries & the $1 Nintendo 64

This past week I won a few auctions on Ebay, and they are starting to make their way to my mailbox(this will give me material to write about).  I’m pretty sure that I gave away what we’re going to see in the title.  But in case you didn’t catch it, I scored some Visionaries!

The blue guy is Leoric, and the red one is Witterquick.  I remember really wanting these figures when they were first released, but this is the one that got away, the one toy line I didn’t have anything from.

These 2 represent the good guys, and the only other one I have in my collection is a bad guy who is missing his chest hologram(along with everything else).  Each figure came with a weapon, a helmet and a holographic staff.  While none of their accessories weren’t included, the auction did include 3 of the holographic staffs!  I don’t believe that any of them correspond with the figures, but still pretty cool nonetheless.  A steal at 99 cents(+$4 shipping)!

And now to the $1 Nintendo 64.

But before we get to any pictures, let me set up the story of how I acquired such a thing.

On Saturday, myself, my wife, one of our friends and her son, went to go see if we could find any garage/yard sales.  It was a warm sunny day, so we thought that it would be perfect for sales.  We were wrong, but found a few.

There was a Boy Scout troop having a rummage sale.  When we got out of the car, we were told that for $3 we could fill a plastic bag with as much stuff as we wanted.  Not more than 30 seconds after this, they reduced the cost to $1 per stuffed bag!  I looked at the toys and other stuff that had for sale, but nothing caught my eye.  Then I happened upon a box with an N64 control deck and 4 games!  I picked up the games, and then went and purchased my $1 bag.  These games didn’t fill up the bag, so I grabbed a few other thing out of the box to go with them.

So I grabbed the control deck, a PS1 memory card, the MAX controller and the 4 N64 for games for $1.  I definitely got more than I paid for!  I didn’t have any of the games, so that’s a plus.  It’s not the ultimate score, but very nice, all things considered.  I’m going to end up selling the deck and the MAX on the Bay because I already have these items.  I’ll keep the memory card though, as you can never have enough of them.  😉

12 Responses to “Visionaries & the $1 Nintendo 64”

  1. mike jobe Says:

    Jay i will buy the controller

  2. Nice!I used to have an N64 and recently sold it to a friend of my sisters.He was ecstatic about it LOL!I had Castlevania,Griffey Jr. Baseball,Wailai Golf and a couple other decent titles.Man i miss it 😦
    Love the Visionaries!
    BTW-Did you get the package i sent you?I sent it out about a week ago.Just wondering 😉

    • Yes, I did get your package. Thanks for the cards, they brought back some memories. As for the toys, there was nothing that I really collect, but I’ll find them good homes(I already gave one of the Green Lantern figures to a friend’s son). The 64 is missing all of the cables and controllers, but if you want it, I’ll send it to you. Just let me know(I might even be able to send a few little “extras”. 🙂

      • That would be awesome J!I should be able to find some cables for it.No rush in sending it though J as those shipping prices can be a bit insane 😉 Thanxx in advance!

  3. jboypacman Says:

    Outstanding deals Jason congrats! Also sorry i could not find you that Thunder-Punch He-Man but i have Flea Market trip i will be taking in the next few weeks so i will continue my hunt for it then. : )

    • Thanks. No worries on TP He-Man. If you find him, you find him. He’ll be a nice addition, but don’t kill yourself looking for him. 🙂

  4. Awesome score on those Visionaries. I recently bought a few sealed carded figures just for the awesome artwork. It made me want a few loose figures, but those will have to wait for now.

  5. Nice finds! Most of my friends packed the NES Advantage, but the Max was always my favorite NES controller.

  6. I never had a N64, but I didn’t need it! I’m in permanent love with the NES and SNES video games. Now I play them om my Laptop thanks to the miracle of emulators 😀 😀 😀

  7. Yo Jay I was wondering if N64 consol is still on sale.

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